Rehab a Bird Donation
Songbird Sponsorship - American Robin
If your sponsorship is a gift, you must write the name of the recipient in the 'Add order note' section during checkout.*
American Robin Sponsorship
Your sponsorship will support our songbird rehabilitation program. Providing the proper care for our patients means meeting the needs of each bird. Songbirds can be especially challenging patients because of their small size, insect-based diet, love of fresh berries, demand for natural foliage and need for flight space.
Your rehabilitation sponsorship includes:
- A personalized certificate of sponsorship that can be given as a gift
- A collectable card with the inside story about the American Robin
- An invitation to a special tour at Le Nichoir with our staff – In the case of a gift, both the purchaser and the recipient are invited to attend. Date June 1st, 2025, RSVP is required.
- A Le Nichoir fridge magnet
- ‘News from Le Nichoir’ Newsletter.
A sponsorship does not support the care of a specific individual but all songbirds in our care.
Tax receipt available to purchaser.